Friday, January 27, 2017

Folks are posting the present gas prices, Stock Market levels, etc. on Facebook and other social media sites to track what will happen with these prices and indexes over the next four years.  I get that, but these prices are often not effected by the President or even he congress.  (I expect the DOW to be down in four years and gas prices to be up in four years if anyone cares) . . .
I'd like to give everyone somehing else to chew on.  The website attached at the end of this post is MUCH more important as far as I'm concerned.  It is a present list of bills and appropriations before the 115th Congress. Take a gander folks, and get involved . . . contact your congressman or senators if any of these strike a cord.
Right near the top of the list are bills that should concern any Oregonian who loves the out-of-doors and ANY Veteran!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Ok, people, listen up . . .
. . . I did not waste my vote!

For many years now I have become more and more disillusioned with the two-party system in this country.  We are trapped, forced into choosing between the favorites of the party elites.  This year’s election was a perfect example of this.  By the time the Democrats were done, the party elite had given us a politician so polarizing that many independent voters in this country, people who had voted for a Democratic candidate in the past, would not vote for her.  And the Republicans, they couldn’t even get together behind one of their own; instead, they nominated a celebrity, a mercurial self-promoter who has in the past professed to being a Democrat.  Most who voted for one or the other of the major candidates did so, not in belief in the character and competency of that candidate, but in an attempt to stop the election of the other.

I could not bring myself to vote for either of the candidates.  I looked to other candidates, representatives of the various ‘lesser’ parties of this country, but not one candidate proved themselves worthy of the vote that I would cast.

Finally, as a protest to the system we are saddled with, I wrote in the name of a public figure whose leadership I believed in.

What were you thinking . . . you wasted your vote!

I’ve had a number of people from both sides of the political spectrum tell me that.  I wasted my vote. 

I am about to lay some wisdom on you folks, so listen up.  Are you ready?

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”  -- John Quincy Adams

In my mind, my vote is an important reflection of my hopes and dreams.  It represents the vision I have for this land.  To claim that I was ‘wasting my vote’ because I didn’t vote for one of the two major party candidates is rude and ridiculous.  By that same way of thinking, any Washingtonian who voted for Trump was wasting his or her vote, as the Democratic candidate has carried this state in every election since 1988.

Yes, my friends, I voted for a write-in candidate for president of the United States.  One hundred and two thousand, four hundred and fifteen other Washingtonians also placed a write-in vote for president.  I’d like to think that these write-in votes may have been an inspiration for four of Washington’s members of the Electoral College to change their votes and not place them for the candidate who won the states popular vote as is customary.

FYI, my write-in vote for president of the United States went to Colin Powell.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Two things are bothering me today, so I'll make short work of them and be on my way to work:

1) To any actors/entertainers who are actually threatening to cease work due to the election of Trump . . . have at it.  I have a nice collection of DVDs and about seven hundred and fifty books . . . I gave up my satellite dish last summer because it wasn't worth what I was paying for it . . . I have joined the Kindle generation and can download cheap and free books like crazy . . . I have a park with over twenty miles of trails within a quarter mile of my house.  I don't need you to create your shows and movies to be entertained.

Get over yourselves!

2) To the Trump supporters who are crying about the protests against Trump . . . do any of you happen to remember these blasts from the past:

- Deport Obama, the Undocumented worker
- Hang in there, Obama (with a lovely picture of a noose)
- Obama : he's not my president

Hypocracy : the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Get over yourselves!

Friday, January 20, 2017

This blog is created in memory of the last great president of these United States . . . Theodore Roosevelt;  the man with the big stick, the trust-buster, the conservation president.  His wisdom is still viable and profound even eighty-eight years after his death and I will display his words proudly and humbly on this site.

In this blog, I will rant and rave and occasionally pull a rabbit out of my civil libertarian bag of tricks.  I will tweak both of our (un)beloved political parties and I will poke fun at the leaders of this nation, whether they be left or right wing.  I hope my words provide some enjoyment . . . and I also hope that they provoke a little thoughtful introspection.  If we truly want to match the vision that TR had for this country, we need to work together and find common ground.  Each citizen of this country must look to what we have in common with each other and avoid dwelling on and berating each other for our differences.

Just sayin' . . . . . . . . .